Ok I am sure the title has probably sent you sideways a bit but I couldn't resist :) But this thread is about age, about how old you like to think you are, how old you are and how old others think you are. My niche here of course is the latter in my latest edition of getting you guys to hate my rotten stinkin' guts lmao.
Anyways I digress onto the pain.....
A long long time ago in a jungle nowhere near you (or anyone else or that matter) there was a baby tiger cub, he was a cute little thing that had big huge and massive plans for him self. When he was just 12 years he was accepted into jungleversity where he studied meticulously later moving on to medical school where he distinguished himself with the Shere Khan award the highest honour that could be achieved.
When he left medical school he went on to become a brilliant but egotistical surgeon healing the apparently un-healable patience. After a car accident severely damages his paws and hinders his ability to perform surgery, he game him self a new name wanting to distance himself from his past , he called himself Dr Strange, Dr Steven Strange, after this he searched the globe for a way to repair them and encounters the Ancient One Stan Lee. And the rest is pretty much history, most of you guys will have read the comics the Ancient One wrote in honour of his once student and for those that haven't you have probably seen his movie.
One thing you probably don't realise though is artist's to like to be a wee bit leisurely with the truth and the times lines tend to be pushed to when they author writes them instead of when the events actually took place. But this story is about truth so in a nut shells Dr Steven Strange was actually born in Egyptian times when the pyramids were new and as such was revered by the humans back there due to being a cat.
This of course makes him much older than he likes to think he is plus no amount of green screen technology will get rid of his wrinkles.
One thing we must always remember is Tony is Grrreat and always will be :)