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The Ranks


Rank 1 - Heavy Metal Hamster 

Rank 2 - Ronin 

Rank 3 - Ice Breaker

Rank 4 - Wacky Wizard of the West 

Rank 5 - Officer  

Rank 6 - Senior Officer and Legendary

Rank 7 - Guild Master


So what is the difference in rank types?

Ranks of merit means something that you have done a deed for or have met certain criteria for to be moved up.

For example new recruits are Heavy Metal Hamsters (rank 1). Once they have passed their first calendar month and shown some of the guild values as well as shown to be sociable, engaged e.t.c. they are promoted to Ice Breaker (rank 3).


Ranks of office on the other hand are jobs in the guild. ie each person in the rank has a role they need to fulfill. As such this is an appointed rank with associated responsibilities. If you are in such a role and you do not fulfill the responsibilities you may be asked to resign or get fired from the role. this does not mean you are kicked from the guild but you are then removed from this office and as such revert to a non office rank. More information on these roles can be found on the Guild Leadership tab in information.



How we rank people
These are the expectations we have of all members and not just those in their probation period or the Ronin
  1. Must be a friendly team player that interacts and participates with fellow guild mates either in guild chat and/or voice communications such as in-game comms (V) or Discord

  2. Treat others as friends and with respect. 

  3. Contribute to a fun environment. this is measured in a variety of ways  such as interaction, participation and contribution to the fun and growth etc

  4. Participate in Guild activities (dragon flights, dungeon runs, helping others etc)



Rank 1: Heavy Metal Hamster



Add Members Comment under Guild Roster: e.g. Main/Alt of Main - DPS/TANK/HEALS/BUFF - Timezone (GMT +2) and do NOT change until you have completed your probation period as comments are date stamped.



Access to Free Trade slot in guild bank 




Rank 2: Ronin



If you end up in this rank it is for misconduct within the guild and you will have been flagged by the dispute office, this can vary from anti-social behaviour such as offensive remarks/actions, lack of activity etc etc


As with a rank 1 to return to your previous rank you have to prove to us that you are 'worthy', failure to do so will mean immediate removal from the guild.



Access to Free Trade slot in guild bank as with a Rank 1



Rank 3: Ice Breaker


This is where the vast majority of our members are.




Rank 4: Wacky Wizard of the West


This is the highest non-guild leadership role in the guild and as such people who attain this rank hold a special status.


People at this rank have shown their commitment and passion for making the guild a better place for all and are actively involved in all guild activities.


​Note: In order to retain this rank you need to be seen to be continually showing your commitment  every month  * it is not a tenured position. (going on holiday/leave of absence will not get you demoted if you notify us with either an in game mail or on the guild forum with your expected time of leaving and returning) 


Officer Ranks


To apply to become a rank 5 officer you need to be a rank 3 or above and to apply for a rank 6 position you need to be rank 4



Rank 5: Junior Officer


Rank 5's are secondary guild leadership roles. They work in a specific portfolio and help a particular Senior Officer in the execution of their duties.



Ranking up:

Rank 5 is someone who is considered trustworthy and sets an example in their part of the guild. They support their Senior Officer in the execution of their duties. Promotion to rank 5 is through an open application process to the Senior Officer in charge of that office (department). When an opening arises the Senior Officer will announce the opening and you can apply for the position on the front page of this site (Rank 5/6 applications)




As listed above as well as acts of helpfulness to other guild members and a friendly demeanour.

Participating in Guild events. The items listed below are some of the criteria that will be evaluated on application to see if you have shown any of these in practice. The letters of recommendation should also reflect that.



Be a sponsor for new recruits helping them through their probation period.

Help people with builds, ad-hoc dungeons or quest help.


Contribute to stronghold mimic 

  • - being friendly, helpful

  • - keeping the guild chat clean*

  • - keeping the guild leaders informed about disputes/changes/important things that happened in their absence

  • - help guild members in finding the right information on the website or that they may need in playing the game.

  • - is expected to set an example in conduct



Access to guild bank level 5




Rank 6: Senior Officer


The Senior Officer's each have their own department that they are responsible for and execute their office with help from x number of ranks 5's of their choosing.


The execution of their duties and the policies they institute are mainly at their sole discretion. All policies and changes thereof is put to the vote of the guild leadership (rank 6) and the Guild Leaders.


The Guild Leaders may veto a vote if they believe it is not in the best interests of the guild and/or does not support the guild purpose/vision/values. If a proposal has been rejected by veto it can be resubmitted with changes as requested. 


Only rank 4's and upward may apply.


Behaviours to exemplify Guild values:


- being friendly, helpful

- organising dungeon/skirmish/PvP/SH mimic runs

- voting on important guild matters

- helping players with builds, quests and other questions they may have

- distributing items from the Guild Bank to lower ranked people on request

- keeping the guild chat clean*

- organising multi-player content

- suggesting improvements

- informing about important changes in the game/guild

- recruiting new players

- kicking inactive players**

- keeping the guild leader informed about disputes/changes/important things that happened in his absence


Rank 6 is a member of the ''Leadership'' meaning they are the leading section of the guild. They decide about and put to the vote important guild matters. They need to be active and highly engaged in guild activities.


* If an officer thinks the conversation is not appropriate for the chat they are authorised to ask it be moved to PM or party chat. If a second warning has to be given and is still ignored, the person will be immediately removed from the Guild. The dispute officer will then contact the person to discuss what happened and consider whether re-entry into the Guild will be possible.

** A player is considered inactive if he has not been online for at least 15 days unless the player notified an officer about his absence or has mentioned it in his comment on the guild roster page. Kicked inactive players may request to rejoin the guild when they are active again.



Rank 7: Guild Leader 


The Guild Leader is the highest ranking authority in the guild.


Primary responsibilities:

  • Provide a vision for the guild

  • Take decisive action on disputes.

  • Supervises and delegates responsibilities to Senior Officers and follow-ups and spot check on work being executed.



Elections & Triggers:


Vote of no confidence

A unanimous vote of no confidence by the Senior Officers in the Guild.


A vote of no confidence can be triggered by any Senior Officer but needs a second to be put to the vote. When this happens a non- Senior Officer will be appointed as an impartial facilitator for the voting process. Each Senior Officer will make his or her case for or against the current Guild Leader.

This is limited to a single statement in Guild Chat. These are statements in favour of or against, and are not discussions. Once the case has been stated, an open vote is cast by each person stating their vote publicly in Guild Chat. The side that loses the vote will be removed from Guild Leadership (i.e. demoted from rank 6 to rank 4 (unless they choose to be rank 3)).



Guilder leader steps down for whatever reason.


If this happens the Guild Leader will transfer Guild leadership to the impartial arbitrator appointed for the voting process/vote. This arbitrator (never below rank 4) will then call an election for the new Guild Leader.


Only Rank 4 and up can vote to elect a new guild leader.


Guild Leaders can only be elected from any Rank 4 and up. 


Once the election has been concluded the new Guild Leader will be announced. This election is based on an absolute majority. The new Guild Leader must have at least 60% of the votes cast irrespective of the participating amount of guild members.



This ranking system is yet to be fully realised and may be subject to minor changes without prior notice. 


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